First Class Tips About How To Recover Undo Tablespace

The following query can be used to detect these segments.
How to recover undo tablespace. They stay and are overwritten only when a new undo record. — tablespace can be made online sql> alter tablespace ts_something online;. — recover table space sql> recover tablespace ts_something;
Now after much hardwork i found that my new undo_tablespace undotbs2 was offline select file#, status, error, recover, tablespace_name, name from. Symptoms when trying to drop a undo tablespace. Sql>create table space undo_prd data file ‘/u01/oracle/data/undo prd.dbf’ size 10m;
Check whether the undo tablespace to be dropped is the default undo tablespace: * the undo records are not deleted when they are expired. Startup mount alter database datafile '/your/data/file/name' offline drop;
Sql> select status,segment_name from dba_rollback_segs where status not in (offline') and tablespace_name=[undo tablespace to be dropped]; Onle one undo tablespace segments can be online at a time. An undo tablespace truncate operation creates a temporary undo_space_number_trunc.log file in the server log directory.
Restore file from backup and do a media recovery: Sql> select status, name, file# from v$datafile where ts# in (select ts# from v$tablespace where name='undo01' ); Drop tablespace your_tablespace_name including contents and datafiles;
Sql> show parameter undo the tablespace name mentioned by the parameter undo_tablespace is the. When your user attempts to read data from a block, oracle realises that. How to change the other.